Morning Glory
This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:21-24
In the Garden
Some of my fondest memories from my childhood take place during the bright, sunny and humid mornings in the summertime. I would wake up a bit later in the morning when the sun was already hot and high in the sky. Typically, I’d find my mother out in the flower bed pulling weeds or working on the garden. Every year, she planted several morning glory bushes that would cover our entire front porch. I always loved to wake up and see them in bloom, knowing full-well that the flowers would disappear in a few hours but would reveal themselves again the following morning. How lovely that God created a beautiful and mysterious little flower such as the morning glory. They serve no purpose other than adding beauty to front yards during the summer and bringing joy to those that love them.
Later in my life, God connected this sweet memory to the scripture in Lamentations. In his loving kindness, God reminded me that His mercy is new every morning and how I can delight in this truth, much like I delighted in those flowers as a little girl. Just like I had full expectation for those flowers to bloom every morning in the summer, I can expect his Love to carry on forever. It was in this season that I was reminded how he is my portion, meaning that when I am in relationship with Him he will fill my every need, and when everything else seems lost, I can forever trust in Him.
Our first office in downtown Moberly, MO
Hope for Tomorrow
It was in that season that I decided to open a Christian counseling practice and I couldn’t imagine any other name than “Morning Glory.” The name not only speaks to my own testimony of what Jesus has done in my life, but Morning Glory has become a symbol of hope for tomorrow, hope for the future, that even though we may walk through the darkest valleys, God is always with us and will never abandon us. Some of the bravest people I have ever met have walked into the office and received understanding, hope and healing as they have made meaning of their trauma, grief, or despair. They keep going, day after day, no matter what. My prayer for these clients is that they can recognize how great His love is for them and that they’re never alone. And that something as simple as a seasonal flower can remind all of us of the grace and mercy that we have received because of Jesus Christ alone.
Hayley Seidel, LPC